
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our times and impacts all sectors of our societies. 

In order to design and implement effective mitigation and adaptation measures, we need to understand the changes that are going on in our natural environment, and to foresee the best we can the changes to come. 

Climate Science is an active field of research whose findings are constantly feeding our knowledge about the changing climate, future scenarios and possible solutions. The climate-research community plays a key role in informingpolicy- and decision-makers, business and society. Hence, climate researchers are frequently urged to engage in climate change dialogues, as they are crucial stakeholders. 

There is often a long gap before published research results reach the policy universe and even longer time before they reach the rest of the society. This network aims to give climate research communication a push so that its results are shared faster, more efficiently and more broadly.



Increasing the impact of each member's communication by reaching a broader and more diverse audience.

Creating a community of practice to build common knowledge on best practices, contributing to make climate-research communication more impactful.

Establish a strong presence of the climate research community in communication networks and on social media.

Who are we?

We are Communication Officers, Project Managers, and Stakeholder Engagement leaders from various EU climate research projects and/or research institutions.

We have held bi-annual meetings since the kick-off of the network, in November 2022.



A science-to-policy meeting with EU officials in Brussels, about policy-relevant research results from 5 EU-projects. 


Organisation of a Great Debate session at EGU2024, targeting Early-Career Researchers – “Unleashing your potential as an Early-Career researcher: bridging the research-policy divide”.

Biannual network meetings to share experiences, discover projects, map out stakeholder engagement, communication and ECRs activities, identify topics of common interest…

Want to join?