WP 16 - Project and data management

WP16 covers the coordination and management of the project as well as data management, internal communication between the different project members, but also external communication of ESM2025 activities.

The overall objective of WP16 is to ensure that the ESM2025 project reaches all its objectives and delivers high quality outcomes, by ensuring a smooth and successful project management and coordination. The aim is also to ensure and monitor the effective exploitation and dissemination of the project results, as well as the communication of the project activities to relevant audiences.

Institutions involved: Météo France – CNRM as the coordinating institution will be mainly in charge of WP16. However, as the communication activities of this WP are closely linked to the activities of WP14 and WP15, Météo France – CNRM collaborates closely with Imperial College London, the University of Leeds and the Office for Climate Education on many outreach activities.

WP16 Leaders

Roland Séférian

Project Coordinator, Météo-France-CNRM - Toulouse (France)​
My background is mathematics and statistics applied to marine ecosystems although I have always been interested in climate and Earth system science. I became a permanent staff of the climate group of the Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM-Météo-France/CNRS) in 2013. Since then, I am involved in the development of the Earth system model of Météo-France-CERFACS modelling group in Toulouse, France. My main area of expertise is on the global carbon cycle and its relation to climate change and climate variability. I have served as Lead Author in the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C where I’ve developed strong relationship with IPCC Working group III expert. These constitute now a pillar of ESM2025.

In ESM2025, I am the Project Coordinator of ESM2025 and co-leader of CT4 and WP16 (Project and Data Management) with Anna Vermunt. I will also participate in the outreach and knowledge exchange activities of WP14 and WP15 which are key activities of the ESM2025 project. In between, as an Earth system scientist of the CNRM-Cerfacs modelling group, I will contribute to scientific activities of CT1, especially in land surface and in ocean/marine biogeochemistry work packages (WP2, WP3), and to the scientific activities of WP4 and 5, involving the coupled model CNRM-ESM.

orane levert

Project Manager, Météo-France-CNRM - Toulouse (France)
I graduated from the University of Toulon in international political studies. During my master's degree, I worked as a 6-months intern managing European projects in the maritime field since I had a strong background in European legislation thanks to a previous traineeship as a MEP assistant at the European Parliament. I am now working as a European Project Manager on Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe research projects on climate change in the Partnership and Research Projects office of Météo France.

I am the Project Manager of ESM2025, co-coordinating the project with Roland Séférian, the Scientific Coordinator. I am also the co-leader of CT4, which deals with communication activities as well as knowledge exchange between project scientists and key stakeholders, and WP16, a Work Package dealing with the overall project and data management. My role is to coordinate the consortium of partners and oversee the implementation of project activities. I also manage the administrative, financial and legal management of the project, the organisation of the project events, as well as the communication and dissemination activities of the results and actions of the ESM2025 to different audiences.

WP16 Milestones & Deliverables

MS16.1 – 30 June 2021

Project management & internal communication tools and procedures established

D16.1 – 30 June 2021

ESM2025 Consortium Agreement

D16.2 – 30 June 2021

List of communication contact points at all partner institutions

D16.3 – 30 June 2021

List of stakeholder reference group, co-established with WP14 and WP15

MS16.2 – 31 August 2021

List of relevant measures to limit the carbon footprint of the project

MS16.3 – 31 August 2023

ESM2025 (internal and external) website online

D16.4 – 30 September 2021

Data management plan

D16.5 – 30 September 2021

Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of results (PEDR) communication strategy plan

MS16.4 – 30 November 2021

Data management framework and tools established

D16.6 – 31 May 2022

Terms of Reference of the project advisory boards & panels

D16.7 – 31 May 2023

Intermediate Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of results (PEDR) communication strategy plan

D16.8 – 31 May 2023

Intermediate Data management plan

MS16.5 – 31 May 2024

Review of project’s carbon footprint reduction

D16.9 – 30 September 2025

Final Data Management Plan (updated version)

D16.10 – 30 September 2025

Final PEDR communication strategy plan (updated version)

D16.11 – 30 November 2025

Summarized report from all Annual Project Meetings