WP 15 - Education and Vocational training
In line with Article 12 of the Paris Agreement, in this work package (WP) we are developing novel climate-related educational support, teaching and training targeting teachers and the younger public. We are developing educational materials (lessons, multimedia animations, videos…) for primary and secondary schools on climate change with a specific focus on Earth system models. We will also organise a “Climathon” allowing students to design and implement concrete adaptation or mitigation actions and two “Climate Education Summer Universities” (CESU) targeting teachers and teacher trainers. Finally, we will also coordinate with WP14 for the dissemination of the outcomes of the project among the general public and policy makers.
First and foremost, education has the power to keep prejudice, ideology and irrational thinking from permeating the world view of younger generations. Education also prepares them to make informed changes with a view to living low-carbon lifestyles and thereby contribute to a low-carbon world. The objectives of this WP are: 1) To foster a better understanding of the concepts underlying climate models, climate projections and Earth system science through the development of educational materials targeting the younger public (primary and secondary schools), teachers and teacher trainers; 2) To provide teachers and teacher trainers with professional development opportunities in the field of climate change education; and 3) To encourage collaboration between educators and scientists.
Intitutions involved: The Office for Climate Education is in charge of the coordination of this work package, the production of educational materials, and the organisation of the various events (climathon, summer universities). Météo-France provides scientific expertise for the production of educational materials and teacher training, as well as operational support for the organisation of the 2 CESU sessions in their facilities. The University of Leeds will provide scientific expertise in the production of educational materials and teacher training.
WP15 Leaders

Micol Picasso
In ESM2025, I am co-leading WP15 with another OCE colleague and I am in charge of the coordination and deliverables for this WP.

Nicolas Vogt
In ESM2025, I co-lead WP15 and I am in charge of coordinating the conception and writing of the various education materials, as well as to the implementation and organisation of the Climate Education Summer University and the Climathon.
WP15 Milestones & Deliverables
MS15.1 – 31 March 2022
List and selection of teachers and early career scientist participating to the first Climate Education Summer University (CESU1)
D15.1 – 31 July 2022
First session of the Climate education summer university
MS15.2 – 31 July 2022
First draft of the Teacher handbook, to be presented to teachers and teacher trainers during the CESU1
MS15.3 – 31 October 2023
List and selection of relevant primary and/or secondary classes contributing to the “Climathon”
MS15.4 – 31 December 2023
List and selection of teachers and early career scientist participating to the second Climate Education Summer University (CESU2)
MS15.5 – 28 February 2024
Organisation of a Climathon
D15.2 – 31 July 2024
Short video clips and multimedia animation (mini-climate model) available on the project website
D15.3 – 31 July 2024
Second session of the Climate education summer university
D15.4 – 31 October 2024
Teacher handbook on global change and Earth system modelling
D15.5 – 30 November 2024
Methodological guide for implementing a “climathon” in other schools and countries
D15.6 – 30 November 2025
Short manual on Earth system modelling for the professional development of high school teachers
D15.7 – 30 November 2025
Final set of materials of the CESU (teachers’ training programs) made available on the project website