Bringing Climate Education into Economics Teaching


Anette Kern





At the Freiburg University of Education, future economics teachers explore the intersections of economics, globalisation, and sustainability in a seminar designed to integrate climate education into economic teaching. Several key sessions of this course were shaped by insights, methods, and activities from climate education, helping students engage more deeply with sustainability challenges and solutions.




How Climate Education Shaped the Seminar

By incorporating interactive learning techniques, real-world policy simulations, and alternative economic models, the seminar enhances students’ understanding of the economic dimensions of climate action. The following sessions were particularly influenced by climate education principles:

🔹 Environmental policy under uncertainty – Comparing policy instruments for climate mitigation.
🔹 Growth and Sustainability – Exploring economic alternatives such as the Donut Economy, Degrowth, and Circular Economy.
🔹 Future Scenarios – Using the scenario method to help students imagine, adapt to, and shape sustainable futures.
🔹 International Climate Cooperation – A simulation game engaging students in the challenges of global climate agreements.
🔹 Local Climate Action – A hands-on session exploring the university’s climate action plan, featuring a guest speaker.

Equipping Future Teachers with Climate Literacy

These climate education-inspired sessions introduce future teachers to innovative educational approaches that go beyond traditional economic models. By integrating climate adaptation strategies, policy simulations, and interactive learning, the course equips students with the tools to address climate and sustainability challenges in their future classrooms.

The Freiburg seminar demonstrates how climate education can transform economics teaching, providing future educators with practical and engaging ways to bring sustainability into their lessons.